I love Valentines day! I honestly can say I've never had a bad one. Even when I was single I didn't resent all the love birds around me. My family has done a Valentines dinner for some time now that I love doing. Usually we get each other something, have a special meal and my mom does some kind of awesome dessert. Which is what we did this year as well.
Last year I made my mom, mother-in-law and all four of Dax's great grandmothers Valentines. This year I wanted Dax to help me so to Pintrest I went searching for a perfect little craft. I found an idea where you use a toilet paper roll shaped into a heart as a stamp. It seemed easy enough for Dax to help me with so we tried. After making the six I originally planned on Dax seemed to be enjoying himself so we made almost thirty more! And really I only finished off about five of them for him. Here is one finished product though because my mom hasn't gotten her valentine yet I'm only posting a picture of one of the extras we made.
For Ryan this year I decided to do fourteen days of Valentines. I was actually gone on the first so I had to hide his first one and tell him where it was. All the days except actual valentines day were corny sayings that went with a treat. Some them were a little bit of a stretch but I thing Ryan enjoyed getting a treat every day. Heres a list of the sayings and the pictures(minus two) to go with them.
1. I'm NUTS about you and love you BUNCHES.(Honey Bunches of Oats w/ Almonds)
2. We make a great PEAR. (canned pears, or any pears Ryan just likes the cans better)
3. You're COOLER than the rest.(Capri Sun Pacific Cooler)
4. You're my BIG HUNK. (Big Hunk candy bar)
5. You make my heart FLIP.(Flipz chocolate covered pretzels)
6. Of the guys I could CHEWS my choice is PRIME.(Gatorade Prime Energy Chews)
7. You're EXTRAodrinary.(Extra gum)
8. I don't care if your RIPPED or have ROLLS I love you.(Rip Rolls candy)
9. You're outta this world(Milky Way)
10. HONEY, I love you beary much(honey in a bear container)
11.You make me BANANAS.(Banana)
12.(You're the APPLE of my eye.(Apple Juice, or any Apple but ryan likes juice more then regular apples.)
13. You aMAZE me.(A maze)
Number thirteen was what I was most excited about. Even more then what he actually got on Valentines day. If you didn't know, Ryan likes to make mazes for fun. It has been a while since he did one other then my moms Christmas present but he has a three ring binder full of mazes that he has drawn. He told me once that he draws the path first and then fills the rest in so I used a piece of his fancy engineering graph paper and made a maze. Ryan's mazes take me a minute or two to get through but Ryan got through mine in about ten seconds but he still liked it!
Originally, it was my plan to finish a photo wall collage as the big last present for Valentines day but it didn't get done. However by random luck the first thing that I got to go up on the wall that wasn't a picture or something we already had came last Thursday so I put it up while Ryan was at class on Friday. Here it is! I'll keep you updated on the pictures that start to go up around it!
Like every year Valentines Day for me was full of love and fun. As a kind of closing I'd like to share a quote from my good friend Phil who I think hit what I feel the true meaning of Valentines day is.
"Valentine's Day might indeed be a "marketer's holiday", but if even one person that you know or love gets a little joy out of it, isn't it worth it? I'd like to think so." -Philip Clevinger