Monday, July 7, 2014

A Family of Four

As most of you know we had a new addition to our family last week! Rhett McDaneld Dean was born at 6:25 on June 25th at 8lbs and 10oz and 20in long. His entrance to the world was pretty different from his brothers. At 9:30 on the 24th I told Ryan that we should maybe start timing contractions. We had gone to the mall to walk around and had some Chipotle for dinner during which I'd feel a contraction every once in a while. So we timed and by midnight I thought it was time to head to the hospital. In hind sight the contractions really did not hurt that bad they were just getting really close together so I thought it was time.
We got to the hospital at one in the morning and my contractions were slowing down. I think if I had not already progressed to where I was and if I wasn't dehydrated they would have told me to go home but instead I got a saline drip and Ryan got an uncomfortable recliner. We slept on and off for six or so hours before they said we could change rooms. At this time I wasn't feeling contractions at any normal intervals and really just wanted to go home.
By about eleven in the morning Ryan was hungry and I was bored so I asked if Dax could come see me. He was asleep when we had left and I wanted to see my boy again before he wasn't the only child anymore. So my mom and Dax came and I was allowed to have lunch which was glorious because the previous on call doctor didn't let me eat breakfast.
After throwing the idea around all morning I decided to have my water broken by the midwife. It was how things got started with Dax and so I was pretty confident that I'd be able to deliver in the time frame I needed to before I had to get pitocin. Last time it felt like pitocin was inevitable because the on call doctor then kept bringing it up. This time the midwife asked me once "Do you want pitocin?" I told her not at all and she never said anything else about it.
After only four hours of intense labor and about thirty minutes of pushing Rhett came into the world. He actually didn't have a name until the next morning because I couldn't make up my mind but that a different and definitely more boring story.
Dax visiting before little brother came.

Our little family together for the first time.

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