Friday, January 2, 2015

A Hefty List

I came across a book challenge today while on Pintrest. I thought to myself"Cool! I want to read more. Lets check this out!" I proceeded to look at this long challenge list and realize that to finish I'd probably have to quadruple my reading time and since it isn't a list of specific books but a list of requirements that the books should be I would have to search for these books as well. So I am going to try and finish this challenge. I would like to read every requirement for itself instead of knocking out two or three requirements for one book. So here it is, my 2015 reading aspirations.

I don't know if I'll be able to find a book that is set in Apple Valley but we'll see. Maybe I'll find a Roy Rogers biography.
Anyone care to join me or have suggestions?


  1. My friend's used book store is challenging folks with the same list. I'm tempted. But it looks like I would have to read more fiction than I'm accustomed to. I've got a bunch of titles on my unread list. I wonder how many of them could meet these requirements.

  2. Apparently, these are set in Adelanto and Apple Valley:
