Tuesday, March 27, 2012

365 days

I guess the title should be 366 days since there was a leap day in that year but I really can't beive it has been 365 days/ fifty-two weeks/ twelve months/ a whole entire year since I was at the Los Angeles temple being sealed to my wonderful, handsome, best friend, husband. Maybe I should have said at the beginning that this is probably going to be way mushy. So there is your disclaimer. If you can't stomach it then you don't have to read this!

There is so much to remember about that day but I thought I'd share a couple of my favorite moments that are actually kinda funny as well.

When we talked with our sealer he asked if it was ok to instruct us to kiss at the end of the sealing. Apparently he had does so in one sealing but the couple was mortified at the thought of kissing in front of people.

Before we came out of the temple one of the workers put us in front of a large mirror and told us that this was the first time people would see us as Brother and Sister Dean. Then when he announced us to our family he got our names wrong.

While we were taking pictures our photographer mistaked Ryan's uncle for his grandpa.

Aaron and Daniel, two of Ryans friends who were the best man and a grooms man, really enjoyed playing with the umbrellas we provided for them. That is until Aaron accidentally shot the umbrella open in a very sensitive spot on Daniel, then I think Daniel enjoyed it a lot less.

My uncle Milo took up the part of coat rack. Usually he had two purses but I think at one point he had a bridesmaids bouquet, a grooms mans coat, a few umbrellas, and the two purses.

While Ryan and I drove home we had our first meal together. It was 20 pieces chicken nuggets and McFlurries from McDonalds.

And right before the reception when I was putting my dress back on my maid of honor Julie was helping me and has to spend sometime under the skirt. We have a picture of her under there where I kinda look like an ugly step sister from Cinderella.

With all or these memories and thousands more our wedding day was really a great day. We had so much love and support and still do! Our anniversary was great so heres to another wonderful year!

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