Sunday, September 15, 2013

Protect the Children

Last October, while watching General Conference, I was particularly impressed by the talk Dallin H. Oaks gave entitled Protect the Children. He spoke of children's welfare and what adults do to help or hinder children. A particular quote I like was this: 
"Children are highly vulnerable. They have little or no power to protect or provide for themselves and little influence on so much that is vital to their well-being. Children need others to speak for them, and they need decision makers who put their well-being ahead of selfish adult interests."
I was impressed to not only care for my children to the best of my abilities but to also care for other children who need help. I have always wanted to foster and adopt children and hope that someday I can help by providing a stable, welcoming home to children who don't know or have forgotten what that is. Right now in my life there is no way to feesibly start with this goal but I have found a family who is looking out for the welfare of a little girl who has come into their lives.

Though I don't know Camilla well, I have always been in awe of her. She has three little girlies, two of which are twins, that are the cutest little toddlers. She takes care of them as well as knit hats and manage by herself while her husband, Michael, goes to school full time, works graveyard as a CNA and works part time for the National Guard! Even with all of this she and her family are lookin out for te welfare of a girl who is in a bad situation.

I'm not entirely sure how Camilla and her family came to know Evie but even before her situation was in its current condition Camilla helped her. Camilla, and her family would have Evie over constantly. While in their home they taught Evie basic principles of the gospel and showed her what a family centered in Christ was like.

Now Evie is in a bad situation where she cannot live with her father any more. Camilla and Michael want desperately to help Evie by becoming foster parents so that she can come live with them. They need to move to a bigger home to do this and do not have sufficient funds to do so right now. I'm writing this blog post in hopes that after you read it you will share it with your friends as well as go to the links I will provide to help them. You can either donate money to them or buy a cute knitted hat from Camilla to help them toward their goal of becoming Evie's  foster parents. It is my sincer hope that this blog post will reach many people and that even if you do not know Camilla and Michael that you will help them in some way so they can in turn help Evie.
Camilla and Evie

The whole family

Monday, September 2, 2013

Autumn is coming!

There are so many things to report on! Especially because it has been a couple months since my last post.

Last week marked Ryan and my two year anniversary of living in Northridge. Also, we have lived in our aparemt for a year and a weekish which makes this the place we have leaved the longest since getting married.

Also, on Tuesday not only will Dax be eight months old but I'll be going back to school. Thankfully, I have a friend who will watch Dax on Tuesdays and my mom will be able to come on Thursdays and stay the night so I won't have to take Dax to a day care. While I have no problems, other than cost, with child care I also want Dax's first experiences away from mom for long periods of time to be with more familiar faces.

Ryan is also back to school now. We've been pretty excited for it. After a summer of ten plus hour days and only Sundays off we are really looking forward to him getting home from work at four and having the while weekend together as a family.

So much has happened over the past couple months so
I'll just leave some pics to show you what we have been doing to pass the time.